The Assembly Square neighborhood planning process will be unique. Where in other areas the challenge faced by Planning Staff has been to preserve and enhance the most desirable characteristics and potential of an existing neighborhood, here we will focus on realizing Assembly's full promise as a Transformational Area. This neighborhood also requires that we assess and develop an infrastructure framework suited for the needs and pressures of what is becoming one of Somerville’s major new Regional Centers, an effort that will rest heavily on assessing the status of current infrastructure to ensure it provides support for expected new growth. Visit Assembly's SomervilleByDesign Page(External link) and check out the Assembly Square Virtual Tour(External link) to learn more about the area.(External link)
Sign up for our mailing list(External link) in order to receive news, updates, and alerts about the Assembly Square Neighborhood planning process.
Save the date for our upcoming Public Design meeting series listed below!
Ahead of the meetings our team has also put together a few short videos explaining various aspects of the neighborhood plan update:
(External link)(External link)Process Introduction(External link)
Mobility Analysis(External link) and Vehicles Study(External link)
Kick-Off & Hands-On Design Session
Monday, November 30 | 6:30 pm | Register Here(External link)
Join us for an informative presentation on city planning and community design. Following the presentation, work with your neighbors to virtually draw your vision for the future of the Assembly Square Neighborhood. During this presentation, you will have the chance to answer our live polling questions and ask your own – all without leaving the comfort of your home!
Open Design Studio:
Tuesday, Dec. 1 | 10-11 am(External link), (External link)2-3 pm(External link), and 6-7 pm(External link)
Wednesday, Dec. 2 | 10-11 am(External link), 2-3 pm(External link), and 6-7 pm(External link)
Thursday, Dec. 3 | 10-11 am(External link), 2-3 pm(External link), and 6-7 pm(External link)
Registration links on each time slot above. Join these virtual meetings to talk with the design team and provide feedback and ask questions as the plan ideas evolves.
Work-in-Progress Presentation
Friday, December 4 | 6:30 pm | Register Here(External link)
See all of the work completed during the Charrette week at the “wrap-up” presentation.