Biking is a great way to get to and from school. Whether it's your everyday method or an alternative just in case, biking is a great option for your commute. Don't have a bike? No worries! You can use a Bluebike! Join Shape Up Somerville, the Somerville Bicycle Committee, Groundwork Somerville, and Bluebikes for a group ride from Somerville High School to Clarendon Hill Busway to learn the rules of the road and get you acclimated to biking across the city. Meet at the City Hall Bluebikes station.
Bluebikes cannot be rented to riders under 16. All riders must sign a waiver! If under 18, the waiver must also be signed by a parent or guardian. Please bring this signed waiver with you to the ride!
If you don't have your own helmet, you will receive one for free. If you enjoy your Bluebikes experience, sign up for a free pass after the ride!